RO: De-a lungul timpului am experimentat o multime de tunsori, nuante de par si stiluri vestimentare. Am aflat ca ceea ce credeam ca nu ma avantajeaza, imi poate veni excelent si invers. Sa va povestesc insa despre una din experientele mele...
Am fost sa-i fac o surpriza unei prietene, pitesteanca ca si mine, care era studenta la medicina in Cluj Napoca si lucra part-time la un salon renumit de acolo. M-am dus direct unde lucra ea. Stiam ca unul din baieti apare la o emisiune TV la care ma uitasem de "n" ori, dar nu-mi venea sa cred cum cei 6 hairstylisti nu aveau timp sa traga o gura de aer, desi aveau fete angajate doar ca sa spele pe cap clientele. Era 12 noaptea si inca soseau baieti si fete sa se tunda sau sa se aranjeze la par.
Eu nu-mi facusem un scop in a ma tunde la acel salon, dar fiindca am asteptat-o foarte mult pe prietena mea, acel baiat despre care va povesteam ca aparut de foarte multe ori in cadrul unei emisiuni, a fost dragut si s-a oferit sa ma tunda. Bineinteles, ca la inceput m-am bucurat si fiind obisnuita ca pe oriunde ma duceam sa ma las pe mana specialistilor, cand m-a intrebat cum sa ma tunda, i-am zis sa ma tunda cum imi sta bine. Cand am vazut ca baga foarfeca si ma tunde scurt, am avut socul vietii mele, dar nu puteam spune nimic, in definitiv eu ii dadusem mana libera. Imi venea sa plang, sa fug, sa tip... Nu am mai scos nici un cuvant, desi eu sunt extrem de vorbareata.
Nimic de spus, toti fanii parului scurt imi admirau tunsoarea si ma intrebau la ce salon m-am tuns, dar eu inca eram socata, nu mi-am facut nici o poza in acea perioada, pentru ca imi lipsea parul meu lung si frumos. Ca sa nu ma mai vada plangand sora mea imi tapa parul si mi-l prindea cu o clema micuta, sa-mi dea impresia ca il am lung si prins coc. Mai mult decat atat, mi-am zis ca daca tot e vremea experientelor nereusite sa ma vopsesc blonda si asta am si facut. Spre surprinderea mea nu-mi displacea culoarea parului, dar tot ma enerva lungimea lui.
Probabil povestindu-i prietena mea ce efect a avut tunsoarea asupra mea, acel baiat s-a hotarat sa ma cheme la Cluj pentru a-mi face o surpriza si a-mi pune extensii. Nestiind ca-mi schimbasem culoarea parului, imi comandase unele potrivite unei fete brunete.
Rezultatul a fost acesta:
Asa ca la scurt timp, m-am vopsit din nou si fiindca extensia era mai lunga intr-o parte, imi statea foarte bine cu ea sau cel putin asa ma vedeam eu. In 10 ani, am tot incercat prin tunsori sa am acea freza, dar nu am reusit, asa ca ma bate gandul sa-mi pun din nou o extensie intr-o parte.
Am gasit un site de peste granite,, care are tot felul de mese de par si de extensii de par ieftine in functie de nationalitate, de culoare si de grosimea firului de par si ma gandesc ca e timpul sa-mi pun planul in aplicare.
English: With the time I have experienced a lot of haircuts, hair colors and styles of clothing. I learned that what I thought was not appropriate for me, it can arrange excellent and vice versa. I'll tell you about one of my experiences ...
I went to surprise a friend, who was born in the same city as me, which was medicine student in Cluj Napoca and work part-time at a famous salon from there. I went directly to place where she worked. I knew one of the guys appear on a TV show that I had watched by "n" times, but I could not believe how the 6 hairdressers had no time to draw a breath, despite the fact that they had engaged girls just to wash the hair of clients. It was 12 pm and still arriving boys and girls to shear or to arrange their hair.
I don't done a purpose to get a haircut at that salon, but because I expected a lot after my friend, the guy, that I telling you about, was kind and offered to make me a haircut. At first I enjoyed, and because usually wherever I was going I let the experts decide how I look good, when he asked how to cut my hair, I said to shear as he considered me as I look good. When I saw that he put the scissors and cut my hair short, I had the shock of my life, but I could not say anything, after all I had given a free hand. I wanted to cry, run away, screaming... I haven't said a word, although I am extremely communicative.
Nothing to say, many people admired my haircut, but I was still shocked, I never made any pictures in that period because I was missing my long and beautiful hair. Cause she did not want to see me crying, my sister plump up my hair and caught him with a small clip to give me the impression that I got long hair. More than that, I said to myself if it's still time to unsuccessful experiences to get blonde. To my own surprise I liked hair color, but still annoy me its length.
I found a website from abroad,, which has all kinds of human hair wefts extensions and cheap human hair weave based on nationality, color and thickness of the hair and I think it's time to put my plan implemented.
For example, I like this one:
Am fost sa-i fac o surpriza unei prietene, pitesteanca ca si mine, care era studenta la medicina in Cluj Napoca si lucra part-time la un salon renumit de acolo. M-am dus direct unde lucra ea. Stiam ca unul din baieti apare la o emisiune TV la care ma uitasem de "n" ori, dar nu-mi venea sa cred cum cei 6 hairstylisti nu aveau timp sa traga o gura de aer, desi aveau fete angajate doar ca sa spele pe cap clientele. Era 12 noaptea si inca soseau baieti si fete sa se tunda sau sa se aranjeze la par.
Eu nu-mi facusem un scop in a ma tunde la acel salon, dar fiindca am asteptat-o foarte mult pe prietena mea, acel baiat despre care va povesteam ca aparut de foarte multe ori in cadrul unei emisiuni, a fost dragut si s-a oferit sa ma tunda. Bineinteles, ca la inceput m-am bucurat si fiind obisnuita ca pe oriunde ma duceam sa ma las pe mana specialistilor, cand m-a intrebat cum sa ma tunda, i-am zis sa ma tunda cum imi sta bine. Cand am vazut ca baga foarfeca si ma tunde scurt, am avut socul vietii mele, dar nu puteam spune nimic, in definitiv eu ii dadusem mana libera. Imi venea sa plang, sa fug, sa tip... Nu am mai scos nici un cuvant, desi eu sunt extrem de vorbareata.
Nimic de spus, toti fanii parului scurt imi admirau tunsoarea si ma intrebau la ce salon m-am tuns, dar eu inca eram socata, nu mi-am facut nici o poza in acea perioada, pentru ca imi lipsea parul meu lung si frumos. Ca sa nu ma mai vada plangand sora mea imi tapa parul si mi-l prindea cu o clema micuta, sa-mi dea impresia ca il am lung si prins coc. Mai mult decat atat, mi-am zis ca daca tot e vremea experientelor nereusite sa ma vopsesc blonda si asta am si facut. Spre surprinderea mea nu-mi displacea culoarea parului, dar tot ma enerva lungimea lui.
Probabil povestindu-i prietena mea ce efect a avut tunsoarea asupra mea, acel baiat s-a hotarat sa ma cheme la Cluj pentru a-mi face o surpriza si a-mi pune extensii. Nestiind ca-mi schimbasem culoarea parului, imi comandase unele potrivite unei fete brunete.
Rezultatul a fost acesta:
Asa ca la scurt timp, m-am vopsit din nou si fiindca extensia era mai lunga intr-o parte, imi statea foarte bine cu ea sau cel putin asa ma vedeam eu. In 10 ani, am tot incercat prin tunsori sa am acea freza, dar nu am reusit, asa ca ma bate gandul sa-mi pun din nou o extensie intr-o parte.
Am gasit un site de peste granite,, care are tot felul de mese de par si de extensii de par ieftine in functie de nationalitate, de culoare si de grosimea firului de par si ma gandesc ca e timpul sa-mi pun planul in aplicare.
Voi ce parere aveti despre extensii?
English: With the time I have experienced a lot of haircuts, hair colors and styles of clothing. I learned that what I thought was not appropriate for me, it can arrange excellent and vice versa. I'll tell you about one of my experiences ...
I went to surprise a friend, who was born in the same city as me, which was medicine student in Cluj Napoca and work part-time at a famous salon from there. I went directly to place where she worked. I knew one of the guys appear on a TV show that I had watched by "n" times, but I could not believe how the 6 hairdressers had no time to draw a breath, despite the fact that they had engaged girls just to wash the hair of clients. It was 12 pm and still arriving boys and girls to shear or to arrange their hair.
I don't done a purpose to get a haircut at that salon, but because I expected a lot after my friend, the guy, that I telling you about, was kind and offered to make me a haircut. At first I enjoyed, and because usually wherever I was going I let the experts decide how I look good, when he asked how to cut my hair, I said to shear as he considered me as I look good. When I saw that he put the scissors and cut my hair short, I had the shock of my life, but I could not say anything, after all I had given a free hand. I wanted to cry, run away, screaming... I haven't said a word, although I am extremely communicative.
Perhaps my friend telling him what effect it had haircut on me, that guy was decided to call me in Cluj to make me a surprise and put me hair weaves. Not knowing that I change my hair color, he ordered hair weaves matching to a brunette girl.
Soon after, I colored my hair again and because the extension was longer on one side, I look very good with it, or at least I thought so. In 10 years, I have been trying to have that haircut, but I failed, so I want to put on one side an hair weaves.
I found a website from abroad,, which has all kinds of human hair wefts extensions and cheap human hair weave based on nationality, color and thickness of the hair and I think it's time to put my plan implemented.
For example, I like this one:
What do you think about extensions?
Cred ca mi-as pune si eu . Nu stiu exact procedeul dar as incerca .
ReplyDeleteExtensiile sunt ok atunci cand iti doresti parul lung si nu il ai, dar eu am avut multi ani parul foarte lung asa ca acum m-as risca sa port o tunsoare scurta. Poate la vara. :)