Friday, August 5, 2016

Bridesmaid dresses under 100 on Landybridal

English: It is true that no one shouldn't overshadow the bride on her wedding day, but that doesn't mean that bridesmaid can't looks good on her dress. Today I want to bring into discussion another topic: bridesmaid dresses. I must admit that some brides make some horrible choices and I can't understand if they are friends with those ladies why want to outshine them. Perhaps they feel unsafe on themselves or threatened by their bridesmaids, believing that nobody should look better on their wedding day. I find it ugly and illogical act because anyway, all eyes will be fixed on the couple just married. There are so many bridesmaid dresses under 100, that basically you have no excuse to dress them ugly. It's all about by your imagination and your intentions. If you want to be an example, you can ask them about model of dress that they like it and on the desired color.  

 Let's see what options you could have!

All women love pink, and if a dress is short and with applications, then certainly will love it.

If your friends are crazy by lace, pink lace dress it could be the best option.
 If they like long dresses, but you know they don't like to dress in the same way to someone else, you can choose for bridesmaid dresses in different colors.
With simple black dress you can not give never fail. They are elegant and special...
For girls with sophisticated preferences you can choose this kind of dress.

Are gorgeous isn't it?

RO: Este adevarat ca nimeni nu ar trebui sa puna in umbra mireasa in ziua nuntii ei, dar asta nu inseamna ca domnisoara de onoare nu poate arata bine in rochia ei. Astazi vreau sa aduc in discutie o alta tema: rochiile domnisoarei de onoare. Trebuie sa recunosc ca unele mirese fac niste alegeri ingrozitoare si nu pot sa inteleg daca sunt prietene cu acele domnisoare de ce vor sa le puna intr-o lumina nefavorabila. Poate ca se simt nesigure pe ele sau amenintate de domnisoarele lor de onoare, crezand ca nimeni nu trebuie sa arate mai bine decat ele in ziua nuntii. Mi se pare un gest urat si lipsit de logica, pentru ca oricum toate privirile vor fi atintite asupra cuplului de proaspeti casatoriti. Sunt atatea rochii sub 100$, ca practic nu ai nici o scuza sa le imbraci urat. Totul tine de imaginatia si de intentiile tale. Daca vrei sa fii un exemplu, poti sa le ceri parerea in legatura cu modelul de rochie care le place si referitor la culoarea dorita. 

Sa vedem ce optiuni ai putea avea!
Toate femeile adora rozul, iar daca o rochie este scurta si cu aplicatii, atunci sigur ii va placea.
Daca prietenele tale sunt innebunite dupa dantela, atunci o rochie roz din dantela ar putea fi cea mai buna optiune.
Daca le plac rochiile lungi, dar stii ca nu le place sa se imbrace la fel, poti sa optezi pentru rochii de domnisoare de onoare in diferite culori.
Cu rochiile negre simple nu poti da niciodata gres. Sunt elegante si speciale...
Pentru fetele cu preferinte sofisticate poti alege acest gen de rochie.
Nu-i asa ca sunt superbe?

Stylish wedding dresses

English: It's summer, that time of year when a lot of people is getting married. Not surprisingly, in wedding season many women are looking for wedding party dresses to look great in them.

I must admit that the hardest choice makes a bride. First of all she must see what type of dress fits with her body: empire, A-line, mermaid and sheath.

A-line wedding dresses has skirt in the shape of A letter, it is molded on top, in proportion as descend it widens slightly starting from the hips. It is the perfect dress to draw attention to the shoulders and bust, that it matches to mignon people. The dress gives elegance and refinement and is preferred by brides who care about tradition.

Empire wedding dress has a fluid skirt that falls straight, is not very large, but leisurewear, without marking waistline in no way. This dress is chosen by women generally without voluptuous shapes, with small breasts, broad shoulders or tall.

Mermaid wedding dress is perfect for a bride with full forms and lower height because the cut will emphasize the waist while making the illusion of greater heights, especially accessorized with a pair of high heels. This kind of wedding dress can be worn successfully only by a bride who has great confidence in his own look, because it highlight its strengths.

If you don't want to give too much money for this unique event from your life and you want a gorgeous dress, my advice is to look on the website, because you will find many outstanding dresses.

Scoop A-line/Princess Applique Lace Chapel Train Wedding Dress

Romanian: Este vara, acea perioada a anului cand o multime de oameni se casatoresc. Cum era de asteptat in sezonul nuntilor, multe femei cauta rochii de ocazie care sa le avantajeze si in care sa arate superb.

Trebuie sa admit ca cea mai grea alegere ii revine unei mirese. Ea trebuie sa vada inainte de toate ce tip de rochie i se potriveste: de tip Empire, in forma literei A, stil printesa sau tip sirena.

Rochia de mireasa de tip A are fusta in forma literei A, este mulata in partea de sus, pe masura ce coboara se largeste usor incepand din zona soldurilor. Este rochia perfecta pentru a atrage atentia asupra umerilor si bustului si se potriveste persoanelor mignone. Este o rochie care confera eleganta si rafinament, fiind preferata de miresele care tin la traditie.

Rochia de mireasa de tip Empire are fusta fluida, cade drept, nu este foarte larga, dar lejera, si nu marcheze talia in nici un fel. Aceasta rochie este perfecta pentru femeile fara forme voluptoase, cu sanii mici, umerii lati sau inalte de statura.

 Rochia de mireasa tip sirena este perfecta pentru o mireasa cu forme pline si mai mica de inaltime, deoarece croiala va pune accent pe talie si va da iluzia unei inaltimi mai mari, mai ales atunci cand este accesorizata cu o pereche de pantofi inalti. Acest tip de rochie de mireasa poate fi purtat cu succes doar de o mireasa care are foarte mare incredere in propriul look, pentru ca ii pune in valoare toate atuurile.

Daca nu vreti sa dati prea multi bani pentru acest eveniment unic din viata voastra si totusi vreti o rochie superba, sfatul meu e sa va uitati pe site-ul, pentru ca veti gasi o multime de rochii remarcabile.
 Asa ca uitati-va cu atentie la aceste frumoase rochii de mireasa de pe!