Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Green clothes for St. Patrick

I don't know if I told you or not about my nephew, Patrick, nice and naughty little boy who conquers you since you see him. I know that our religion is different, but I wanted to say the Catholic religion is celebrating St. Patrick on 17 March. A traditional symbol of this is clover. Legends say that Patrick has chosen this plant to explain the concept of the Holy Trinity to Irish pagans. In Ireland is one of the world's most popular saints.The color associated with St. Patrick is green, the color symbol of Ireland. On this day people wearing green ribbons and clover, so I decided to wear green clothes, too.  

I liked very much a green dress which you can wear it in a lot of different ways.

Click on the picture to enter in the product page.

 Other green things I liked were: another green dress, a blouse and a skirt.

Click on the pictures to enter in the products pages.

Nu stiu daca v-am povestit sau nu despre nepotelul meu, Patrick, un baietel frumos si nazdravan care te cucereste de cand il vezi. Stiu ca religia noastra e alta, dar vroiam sa va zic ca la catolici Sfantul Patrick se sarbatoreste pe 17 martie. Un simbol traditional al acestei sarbatori este trifoiul. Legendele spun ca Patrick a ales aceasta planta pentru a explica notiunea de Sfanta Trinitate paganilor irlandezi. In Irlanda este unul dintre cei mai populari sfinti. Culoarea asociata Sf. Patrick este verdele, culoarea simbol a Irlandei. In aceasta zi se poarta funde verzi si trifoi, asa ca m-am hotarat sa port si eu haine vezi.

Mi-a placut foarte mult o rochie verde care se poarte purta intr-o multime de feluri diferite.
 Click pe poze pentru a intra in paginile produselor.

Alte lucruri verzi care mi-au placut au fost: o alta rochie, o fusta si o bluza. 


ST.PATRICK'S DAY is coming,try to find your lucky clover!

Free items for orders over $49.



  1. A doua rochie pe verde Doamne e superba :)

  2. Nu prea le am cu verdele,dar nuanta asta e senzationala si cred ca te prinde de minune,se pare ca in privinta modelelor avem acleasi gusturi :D
