Monday, December 1, 2014

Ce purtam iarna asta

RO: Nu-mi vine sa cred ca iarna a sosit, in unele parti cu zapada, in altele doar cu gheata si polei. Totusi, nici macar gerul de afara nu ma va impiedica sa port rochii. Macar de Craciun, de Anul Nou si de ziua mea sa ma simt feminina in profida frigului. Probabil, deja stiti unde sa gasiti cele mai bune cadouri pentru tine si prietenii tai (imbracaminte perfecta pentru vacanta si accesorii).
Iata ce mi-ar placea sa port iarna asta:

English: I can't believe that winter has arrived with snow in some places, in others only with ice and glazed frost. However, even cold of outside will not stop me to wear dresses. At least Christmas, New Year and my birthday to feel feminine, even if it's cold. Probably already you know where to find the best gifts for you and your friends (the perfect holiday wear and accessories).
Here's what I would like to wear this winter.

Click pe poze pentru a intra in pagina produselor:
Click on the pictures to enter in the products page:

Best gifts for you and your friends!

Find the perfect holiday wear and accessories!

Start from $3.99!


  1. Lovely pst with a beautiful selection!
    Have a nice week!

  2. rochita e dementiala ce sa mai zic:) Iar hainita de blana se potriveste perfect,o pereche de ghetute sau cizmulite black si gata outfit-ul anului 2014:)

  3. nu prea sunt fana eu a rochiilor dar la ocazii nu am incotro :)))
    rochita e superba!!!
